Matt Debski



A Photo of Mateusz Dębski

Hi! My name is Mateusz Dębski.

I’ve been a fan of soundtracks and film scores for as long as I can remember, but I’ve always also wanted to be more than just a passive listener; I wanted to compose.

Using modern, approachable technology I was able to transfer my thoughts and feelings into melodies and rhythms. Listening to my favorite composers has helped me understand how music itself works and what makes it great, while working for a radio station has helped me understand how to mix and produce my own music.

I feel privileged to be living in a world where inspirations are infinite. It can be rainy weather during a relaxing walk in the night. It can be a painful breakup. It can be an awesome story you experience in a game or a movie. And so much more.

What you see here (and what you will hopefully hear) is a result of some of the inspirations I have amassed over the recent years translated to sounds.

I’m extremely proud of it and I would be very happy if you gave it a listen or two.

Let's talk:

Cover photo for the Far Away EP was taken by the talented illustrator and photographer Ivan Peroni.

Cover photo for the New ways EP was taken by the talented photographer Michał Marciniak.